About Competetion
Evolve India Robot Olympiad to National Robofest: A Journey of Excellence
EIRO is an exhilarating festival celebrating Technology, Innovation, and Roboticscompetitions, captivating students with the exciting fusion of STEM challenges andComputer Science.
Students gain hands-on training in designing, constructing, and programming autonomousrobots. This event unites students from various schools to participate in the grandestrobotic championship, promoting knowledge sharing and creating an unmatchedatmosphere of fun and learning.
Expert guidance from accomplished research personnel in both academia and the roboticindustry ensures an enriching experience. Join us for an unforgettable journey throughthe world of technology and robotics at EIRO! 🚀🤖🏆
And, that’s not all! EIRO’s regional and intra-school winners, as well as the best emergingperformers, earn the opportunity to showcase their skills on the national stage at RajagiriSchool of Engineering & Technology on February 3rd, 2023, during the National Robofest.🌟 Don’t miss this incredible opportunity!